

Help hotline information


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department General Advisory Center (information on relevant facilities)

Information on relevant facilities is provided on the help hotline, etc. according to the content of the consultation.

Tel.: #9110 (connects to the General Advisory Center when dialed within Tokyo)
Note: At a prefectural border, the number may connect to other prefectural police headquarters.
Tel.:03-3501-0110 (connects to the General Advisory Center that has jurisdiction over Tokyo)

  • The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department General Advisory Center provides advice on a variety of issues faced by people.
  • The General Advisory Center provides information on expert counseling according to the content of the consultation, including trouble in your immediate environment, malicious business practices, stalkers, and DV.
  • Inquiries are welcome from all individuals, regardless of age, sex, etc., so please do not hesitate to call.
  • This service is available only in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean.

However, if you have just been victimized or been in an accident, or have witnessed a crime or traffic accident, then dial the emergency contact number 110.


警視庁 総合相談センター
電話:#9110 または 電話:03-3501-0110




Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

1-1 Kasumigaseki 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8929 Tel:03-3581-4321
Copyright © Metropolitan Police Department. All Rights Reserved.